ICT in Primary Education MOOC
ICT in Primary Education MOOC

ICT in Primary Education MOOC

Well this little corner of the web has been rather inactive… but then I’ve been busy looking after other things. However, things are happening and the potential for more posts. The main thing is the MOOC I’ve just started out of personal interest, personal development and because it relates directly to one of the things I do.

UCL Institute of Education have started a free massive open online course (MOOC) using the Coursera platform, looking at the use of ICT in Primary Education. It started on the 27 May, 2015, but apparently you can join in at anytime (I’ve just done so today 2 June) (can you join when it’s finished??). Judging by the number of introductions it looks pretty popular. You can join in yourself here (https://class.coursera.org/ictinprimary-004) if you want. The course is free, but if you want a recognised certificate to show you’ve taken part the certificate is £32 (32 GBP). Not sure yet whether the potential to earn the certificate is only available for those who start within a set time frame. Need to check that out.

Hopefully will keep you posted as things progress, and I hope to find/create more time to do it. That’s the hard part at the moment.

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