Discussion Forums
A lot of what is mentioned on this site is very open to discourse. These forums are meant to be public, but keep the discourse …
A lot of what is mentioned on this site is very open to discourse. These forums are meant to be public, but keep the discourse …
The Keller Plan was a model of Higher Education instruction devised by Fred Keller (1968) and later the Personalised System of Instruction (PSI) (Sherman et …
Self-regulated learning (SRL) is effectively how you go about learning something, in your own way, in your own time and ideally what subjects you learn. …
The Dalton Plan is an organisational framework/educational model developed by Helen Parkhurst at the turn of the 20th century that supports self-regulated learning in schools. …
This is where I show my age. Okay, I’m not that old, but do you remember the fabulous St Trinians films? The Belles of St …