Wrong assumptions.
This is effectively my take on the piece “The picture didn’t tell the whole story” was written by John Arendt in 2017 in his column …
This is effectively my take on the piece “The picture didn’t tell the whole story” was written by John Arendt in 2017 in his column …
A lot of what is mentioned on this site is very open to discourse. These forums are meant to be public, but keep the discourse …
H5P is a rapidly evolving modular suite of tools that can be easily configured to present information, single or short instructional units and even short …
H5P is fast becoming one of my favourite tools for developing rich online educational content. From simple quizzes, timelines and drag and drop to more …
‘Learning technologies’ refer to any technology that can be used to help with teaching and learning and/or the learning experience.
For future readers, this is being written in the middle of the COVID pandemic. However, this still has a lot of relevance for anybody who …
The central idea of BYOD is that individuals use the technology that they bring with them to school or college. The school or college does not need to provide the computers, tablets, smartphones for individuals to use in class, just supply the environment that allows users to use their technology collaboratively or just for individual use.
‘Learning technologies’ are not learning about a technology, rather they refer to any technology that can be used to help with teaching and learning and/or …
By way of introduction I’ve been researching educational technology since 1999 looking at how technology is used and can help education for students from K12 …