I am a Learning Technologist, studying and working with educational and learning technologies since 1999. Initially for my PhD at the Open University and then at UCL Institute of Education from 2004.
I have been a Learning Technology Fellow with the Learning Technologies Unit (LTU) at UCL Institute of Education since 2010 and also undertake freelance work.
Although I am interested in how technology is used to support all types of learning. I have a specific interest in the technologies and pedagogies involved with:
- Distance & online education
- Blended learning and flipped learning approaches.
- Self-regulated learning (SRL) and support of SRL through the use of online technologies.
- Bring your own device (BYOD) learning environments.
- Web-based collaboration.
- Interactive learning environments.
- Accessibility and GDPR
Technologies and specialist areas I work with on a very regular basis include
- Moodle CMS
- H5P
- Website design, HTML and CSS
- Images for education
- Photography and editing
- Games for education
I am an established academic with a number of publications and available for consultancy.