Wrong assumptions.
This is effectively my take on the piece “The picture didn’t tell the whole story” was written by John Arendt in 2017 in his column …
This is effectively my take on the piece “The picture didn’t tell the whole story” was written by John Arendt in 2017 in his column …
This is really to just share another possible solution to when you find Windows File Explorer going slow which it less well known and does …
Helping make online text material accessible When you create any electronic textual work be it something like Word and/or publishing online (content for websites, or …
ColorVeil (https://www.east-tec.com/colorveil/) is an assistive technology. It is a totally free software programme that allows the user to create the effect of placing a film …
H5P is a rapidly evolving modular suite of tools that can be easily configured to present information, single or short instructional units and even short …
H5P is fast becoming one of my favourite tools for developing rich online educational content. From simple quizzes, timelines and drag and drop to more …
‘Learning technologies’ refer to any technology that can be used to help with teaching and learning and/or the learning experience.
For future readers, this is being written in the middle of the COVID pandemic. However, this still has a lot of relevance for anybody who …
The UCL Institute of Education has a free course on Blended and Online Learning Design that will appeal to anybody at any level of education …
The Keller Plan was a model of Higher Education instruction devised by Fred Keller (1968) and later the Personalised System of Instruction (PSI) (Sherman et …